Call Us at: 718-584-8400

Here are some simple to follow step-by-step instructions to make your experience seamless:
1. Click the "Pay Now" Button
2. Click "LOGIN" at the top right of the page and enter your login credentials to gain access to your account
3. From here, your policy(s) will be displayed
4. Click on the policy that you would like to make a payment on
5. Your policy information will be displayed; To make a payment you much click on "Make a Payment"
6. Simply enter your card information on your tab and pay,
effectively making your tab expelled
7. An email will be sent to you as a conformation and a receipt
All you'll need is a credit card and your account information, and you're all set.
All information is safe and secure, through the BMS Payment Portal. If additional help is required please contact us at email at customerservice@ezvbrokerage.com or call us at 718-584-8400