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Explore all our personal lines

EZ Vision insures all your valuables possessions
It may be your Home, your Car, your Antique Car, your Boat, or your old Motorcycle, also it could be, the passed-on grandm's piece of jewelry and grandpa's work of art. There are us to insure it.
To have your personal possessions insured is the right thing. Your hope that may never need it. But, if a catastrophe happens, regardless of how large or small it is we need your insurance company to be with every step of the way.
Need insurance consult with us.
Personal Lines
Personal Lines
For over 35 years, Ez Vision Brokerage has covered all your personal valuable possessions you have, your home, your apartment, your antique car, your boat, your RV, or your old and noisy motorcycle which alerts the entire town that you are passing by. These are precious as the brand-new car you just bought to your daughter's graduation.

Our Home
The House is probably the largest asset we own. More importantly our home is full priceless memories. It is where everyone wants to be for every holiday, birthday, and graduation. We will show our children and grandchildren the room we shared with our brothers and sisters. The backyard where we played. We need to keep it properly insured to preserve these priceless memories for generations to come.
Our Home
Antique Car
Family Boat
Family RV
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